Terry Reilly Health Services

Dental Assistant Float all sites Jobs at Terry Reilly Health Services

Dental Assistant Float all sites Jobs at Terry Reilly Health Services

Sample Dental Assistant Float all sites Job Description

Dental Assistant- Float all sites

Candidate must be willing to work in all dental sites  (Boise, Nampa, Homedale, Melba, Marsing)

1. Perform 4 handed dentistry.
2. Maintains sterilization/infection control.
3. Takes x-rays and performs expanded duties.
4. Explains treatment plans and procedures to patients.
5. Maintains set-up and break-down procedures.


Minimum Qualifications:
1. Considerable manual dexterity with sufficient mobility to perform duties.
3. Knowledge of endo, surgical, restorative, preventive crown and bridge and prosthetic instrumentation and assisting.
4. Ability to take bite-wing and PA radiographs.
5. Ability to travel between all dental sites.

Preferred Qualifications
1. Certification from dental assisting school.
2. Expanded functions certification.
3. Knowledge of insurance practices and regulations.
4. Bilingual skills (English/Spanish)


Current Openings for Dental Assistant Float all sites Jobs at Terry Reilly Health Services

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